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Workers Voices, Workers Power – Labor Notes Conference/Area Or
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About this event
Part of the San Francisco LaborFest - At: The First Unitarian Universalist Church (the chapel)
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Report Back and Panel Discussion from Labor Notes Conference/Area Organizing Campaigns
This year’s Labor Notes Conference in Chicago, combined with the Great Labor Arts Exchange, hosted almost five thousand people, with thousands more turned away. Attendees returned tremendously energized by this outpouring of worker militance and creativity. Join Peter Olney, Organizing Director Emeritus of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and invitees UNITE HERE Local 2, S.F. Jobs with Justice, East Bay DSA and other workers’ organizations in motion to capture this wave, and see where it will take us. Do you like the union? Yes!
5:00 – 8:00 PM
Solidarity on Stage – An Evening of Labor Storytelling
The right-wing would silence working people’s voices – we lift them up and celebrate them, in all their multicultural glory. We will hear from working-class novelist Michael Dunn, picket-line chant leader Bill Shields, area spoken word artists and, our headliners, the domestic workers theater troupe, La Colectiva de Mujeres Original. ¿Se puede? ¡Si, se puede!
For more information, contact Bill Shields at