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Faces from an American Dream

Date and Time

Sunday, September 01, 2024, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM


American Labor Museum
American Labor Museum
83 Norwood Street
Haledon, NJ  07508



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About this event

"Faces From An American Dream" is a photography exhibit by Martin Desht documenting American post-industrialism at the end of the twentieth century. It depicts the economic transition from industrial manufacturing to service and information work and how this rapid social change re-defined the American industrial city and its impact on skilled and unskilled workers in search of the American Dream. The work was conducted in Pennsylvania, once the nation’s most industrialized state, particularly in Philadelphia, formerly the most heavily and diversely industrialized city in North America.

Information on the exhibit and Desht's book of photographs, Photosonata, can be found on his website.(
For more information on the American Labor Museum, go to their website. (

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