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Lawrence Smoot | Published on 12/8/2024

Ode to Weirton, WV

I crossed the Ohio River after 400 miles 

Cycling through the burned out Steel town of Weirton, WV 

I’m home again to rust and young men in muscle cars

The grocery store is now a Family Dollar

And the steel mill closed two months ago

“Save Our Mill” signs on storefronts

I remember a priest friend Fr Bill Graham worked the Ohio River towns in the 80s when those mills closed

His eyes glanced down when he mentioned another suicide

Working class towns have public parks with the toys of war for children to play on

Preparing them young 

The young employees in Subway gave me the news

“They closed Our Steel Mill and made it a battery factory”

There are pathways out of Wierton

The age-old practice in these communities Cannibalizing the young 

The lucky few make it to freedom

The rest watch the parades

Save a few bucks at the Dollar Tree

And eventually are sucked into the Trump brigades

James Walsh, Romero Theater Troupe; 
see his photos here

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